International Year of Astronomy 2009 Public Talks
Hosted by the UC Berkeley Astronomy Department
The Astronomy Department at UC Berkeley presents a public lecture series in celebration of the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Talks take place on the third Saturday of each month (with special arrangements on April 18, when three talks will take place).
Admission is free, but if you wish to support astronomy at UC Berkeley, you can donate here.
To sign up for our email list and receive notification about future talks, and other news from the UC Berkeley Astronomy Department, please visit our mailing list page and enter your email details. We won't sell or give away your email and we won't send you lots of messages.
100 Hours of Astronomy, April 2 - 5
100 Hours of Astronomy is a global celebration of astronomy for 100 hours from April 2 - 5. At UC Berkeley, the Lawrence Hall of Science is holding a Saturday night stargazing event on April 4 from 9 - 11 p.m.; in fact this takes place on the first and third Saturday of every month (but only when the weather is clear). The Allen Telescope Array, a collaboration between UC Berkeley's Radio Astronomy Laboratory and the SETI Institute of Mountain View, is participating in the 100 Hours of Astronomy Webcast, as are the Keck and Lick telescopes, also run by the University of California, and other telescopes used by UC astronomers, including Hubble, Fermi, Swift, the VLA, and many others.
Nota completa
Hosted by the UC Berkeley Astronomy Department
The Astronomy Department at UC Berkeley presents a public lecture series in celebration of the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Talks take place on the third Saturday of each month (with special arrangements on April 18, when three talks will take place).
Admission is free, but if you wish to support astronomy at UC Berkeley, you can donate here.
To sign up for our email list and receive notification about future talks, and other news from the UC Berkeley Astronomy Department, please visit our mailing list page and enter your email details. We won't sell or give away your email and we won't send you lots of messages.
100 Hours of Astronomy, April 2 - 5
100 Hours of Astronomy is a global celebration of astronomy for 100 hours from April 2 - 5. At UC Berkeley, the Lawrence Hall of Science is holding a Saturday night stargazing event on April 4 from 9 - 11 p.m.; in fact this takes place on the first and third Saturday of every month (but only when the weather is clear). The Allen Telescope Array, a collaboration between UC Berkeley's Radio Astronomy Laboratory and the SETI Institute of Mountain View, is participating in the 100 Hours of Astronomy Webcast, as are the Keck and Lick telescopes, also run by the University of California, and other telescopes used by UC astronomers, including Hubble, Fermi, Swift, the VLA, and many others.
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